Retold by Alan Trussell-Cullen
16 Pages
There is not a bio in the back of the book about this author.
This cover has a ballroom with a wooden plank floor, and pink and white striped wall paper. All of the people are in ball gowns (and most people are quite... well, ugly) as the lovely Cinderella offers her hand to the handsome, bowing Prince.
Characters: Cinderella, Cinderella's father, Stepmother, Stepsisters, Prince
Setting: Begins in Cinderella's home, usually in the Stepsisters' room or by the fireplace in the kitchen. Then goes to the ball room in the palace then back to Cinderella's house.
Summery: Cinderella is bullied by her father's new wife and her daughters. They don't allow Cinderella to go to the Prince's ball but the Fairy Godmother appears and helps her go. There Cinderella meets the Prince, but she has to leave by midnight and she looses her glass slipper. Then!...Well, I don't want to ruin the ending.
This book has a few animals as characters, but very minor ones and has Cinderella as a child on the very first page. The characters are all adults. This book uses illustrations and color to bring the story to life. It has a very lovely tone to tell a timeless story.
My favorite line is, "They might have been the ugliest sisters in the world, but their mother always dressed them in fine clothes."
This book would be appropriate for children around 3 and up. It has paper pages but the story and pictures are great for children looking for a fairy tale.
This is a story I liked as a kid, but I did not have this particular book as a child. I always liked fairy tales and I loved the story of a girl over coming her obstacles to get what she dreams of.
I like how you noticed such detail on the cover (the wallpaper) and how everyone else is drawn ugly so that Cinderella stands out even more. I think I told you my son just read a futuristic telling of this story called Cinder, where she is a cyborg!