favorite Halloween… was of course the one mentioned above, when I had the
little group of UP characters. It was a beautiful night and seeing all of
the little kids in their adorable costumes was wonderful, but the best part of
that night was the people I was spending it with. I had a blast with all of those girls, who
were all my little sister, whether or not by blood. We spent the entire night giggling, completely
slap-happy on sugar, as we wandered from house to house impressing all of the
owners with our creativeness.
The night lit up
Spooky orange pumpkins
Sweet words to the
The little witch and
The miniature bat-man
Candy from strangers
I was putting my Halloween costume when I heard something moving around in my closet… there had been some rustles before, but I had figured they were just a breeze knocking some clothes around or something like that. The noise was getting louder, I couldn't ignore it now. It was freaking me out. If it had been any other day other than Halloween, I would still be completely creped out, there was something in my closet, possibly watching me as I changed into my costume. Really, really weird. I grabbed a pillow and three-hole punch ruler that had been sitting on my desk, and slowly walked toward the closet door. As the door slowly opened, I was attacked with claws and screeching. My brother had thrown my cat at me.

What a sweet picture and group costume idea...And I love the scary build up to having a cat thrown at you! : ) I'm not a fan of Milk Duds myself, but I have learned from my husband that they are delicious when you dump them in a big buttery tub of theatre popcorn. Sounds gross, but you just get a bite of caramel popcorn yumminess...