you listen to music, what feelings/emotions does it evoke?”
Music is a relief, an emotions evoker, a distressing tool. When I listen to music and get into it,
sparks of emotions trickle, all giving something different. The strings of a classical symphony can strike
hope or wonder about the inevitable. The
twanging banjo triggers homeliness and a longing to be with family. And Taylor
Swift, well, she brings Taylor Swift feelings.
is your favorite song? Why? Is it connected to a certain time, event, or place?”

I have a lot of favorite songs for a variety of different circumstances,
but my favorite by far will always be “The Call” by Regina Spektor.
In a poetry unit during 8
th grade,
I had to do a report about my favorite song, and like I said all those years ago,
no matter what songs come through my life, this song will always hold a place
in my heart. This is the one song I never skip when it comes on. The song itself
was written by Spektor for the movie
Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. It plays in the final scene as the children
are leaving Narnia, some of them for the last time. It is about never forget
the place or the time that made you and remembering to return to that. For the
Pevensies, it was Narnia, the place where they were kings and queens that
shaped who they were, and where Aslan was. For me, it’s remembering that I do
not belong on this earth, that it is just a temporary stopping point on my way
to my home is heaven. C.S. Lewis said, “If I find in myself desires which
nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was
made for another world.” This song fills me with hope on the days when I feel
like I don’t belong on this earth, that I will one day find my home.
“Music has the ability to change
the mood of movies, television shows, and other performances. How?”
Music can control emotions, especially when a person is completely
engaged in what they are watching. Just the other day, while I was watching Once Upon a Time¸ I noticed that just as
Emma was about to kiss Hook, the music got soft before going into a crescendo just
as they kissed. As a viewer, basically made my heart do the little happy dance
it does whenever is see happy love. The composer John Williams is fantastic at analyzing
what is happening during a scene and judging how the audience should react to
it, then using his music to make that happen.
music poetry? What are some of the more “poetic” lyrics you can think of?”

Of course music is poetry. Even if it is a terrible song
with only four different words, it is still poetry. Music is words and notes
strung together to create something for the sake of putting words and note
together to make something. There are artist who can be better than others at
it, and words that can carry through the ages. Some lyrics have the impact to
start a revolution, or control it. The poetry people put together are powerful
and can have great effects on people. Some of the more poetic lyrics I can
think of are from U2’s “Sunday Bloody Sunday” saying, “And the battle's just
begun. There's many lost, but tell me who has won. The trench is dug within our
hearts. And mothers, children, brothers, sisters. Torn apart.” This whole song
is extremely heart wrenching. The lyrics bring the bitter feelings that wars
bring, reminding people that what they are fighting about doesn’t really matter
compared to what they are causing.
I absolutely love Regina Spektor - her voice is so unique and you could never mistake another artist for her.