I have a wide variety of favorite movies that range from feel-goods, to dramatic, to documentaries, to inspirational.
Peter Pan (2003 and Disney), to
Les Miserables, to
P.S. I Love You (*sob*), to Disney movies, to
The Chronicle of Narnia and really any movie that gives you the inspiration to go DO something afterwards. I don't really care for horror movies. Like at all.

Just, no. I watch movies all the time, it's probably an addiction. I can't watch movies with my family though. They talk through the entire thing and make fun of every little thing. It's impossible to get into the story with them.
I love the story telling. Movies are one of the many ways to bring stories to a bright and vibrant life. I really like movies from
If my life story would be made into a movie, my sister would star as herself. Because she told me to put this. I imagine it would be pretty interesting for the most part.
I really love the graphics you chose...modern and iconic representations of such classics. How cute that your little sister was coaching you as you blogged! : )